Bush follows in Quayles footsteps.. ‘is that how you spell potato mummy?’ - LSA
he farted
Oh, I thought his name was Clinton! - jAcKrAbBiT sLiM
The president prepared himself as ‘Miss sucky’ limbered up… - Sick fuck
I’m too tired, you tell him what happened with the Dish and the Spoon. - Manic Marmoset
Oh my god, the pres’dent’s dumber than I am! - Michael 808
Is he really the dickhead off the telly - simon
Mummy he’s not the real Santa!!!!! - fuckin wiv ya head
and he gets paid how much for the shit he does ?? - Orla the irish bitch
Bush crowns Miss Arizona West - Mick mc laughlin
Little girl: O my god What does he want to do? - Simon
A young Miss Iowa shows the President how she won the beauty pagaent - Sick twat
Monica Lewinski’s daughter limbers up for the new president! - Horny Horns The King Of Horns
MOM! Daddy’s cutting funds to all the public services for his own selfish means! - Conjurer303
ouch my toe! - espionage.salad.bowl